Kids & Parents
5 Back to School Recommendations from DPPL

This summer flew by so fast! Don't think so? The Youth Services staff does! We've been working hard since January to put together an amazing summer reading program. After months of planning and preparation, SRC goes by in a flash. Did your child participate? Most likely they did!
We had tons of programs this summer, from Minecraft Mondays to Wild Times, LEGO WeDo Robotics to Pow! Bam! Craftime! Over 2,000 kids from birth through 6th grade had a super time this summer reading all kinds of stories. And parents participated too--after all, those babies didn't read to themselves. Did you miss turning in your child's reading log? You can still turn it in at the Youth Services desk until September 5th, so they can receive their certificate. That way they can show off all the hard work they did this summer.
Now that summer is waning, it's time for the joys of back to school. Don't forget to make the Des Plaines Library your go-to place for homework help and study space. With your Des Plaines Library card you can access all kinds of amazing digital resources by visiting our Kids' Subjects page. (Hot tip: did you know we have FREE online help for kids in grades 3 and up? Click on Homework Help to learn about HelpNow!)
For now, let's ease back into these school days with some fun stories. You can find these books and more like them on the 2nd floor.
School Rules! by Victoria Kann
Pinkalicious likes school but really misses her imaginary unicorn, Goldie. Her teacher lets Goldie stay at school for one day but only if Pinkalicious teaches Goldie the school rules. A very sweet (and pink!) early reader about school.
David Goes to School by David Shannon
The David books are very popular on the 2nd floor. In this story, David is constantly getting in trouble for doing all kinds of things he shouldn't. A fun story to share with kids.
Miss Bindergarten Has a Wild Day in Kindergarten by Joseph Slate
Some days during the summer the 2nd floor can feel a lot like Miss Bindergarten's class! This story winds through a hectic, messy, energetic, patience tested day in kindergarten. It's also an alphabet story. A fun book to show that even when things are crazy, beautiful moments happen.
Picture Day Perfection by Deborah Diesen
It may not be time for picture day yet, but this funny story will inspire kids to create their looks for the occasion.