Comics: Coming to a Screen Near You

Like a lot of people, when a book is adapted for movies or television I like to read the original book. With so many comics and graphic novel adaptations taking over the big and small screen, I decided I better catch up by getting into comics.
Hoopla has become my preferred way to read comics and graphic novels. Not only does it offer dozens of titles, Hoopla has a special viewing mode for comics called Action View, which enables you to read frame by frame. It's a cool and dynamic way to read, lending an almost cinematic experience to reading comics.
To activate Action View, simply double click on your computer or tap twice on your device on an individual panel. To advance panels, click on the arrows on the side of reader, or swipe left. You can go out of Action View any time by double clicking or tapping twice.
Here's a very short list of a few of my favorite titles below, including a couple of soon-to-be-released Hollywood blockbuster films:
The Walking Dead
The Walking Dead is a compelling, epic story of human survival in the face of constant danger. Both the comics and the tv show are critically acclaimed and loved by millions.
Batman vs Superman
The soon-to-be-released Batman vs Superman movie will draw heavily from the Batman/Superman comics and will launch a series of Justice League movies now in development.
Acclaimed novelist Neil Gaiman's Sandman series is a ten volume chronicle of the adventures of Dream (aka Morpheus, the Lord of Dreams). It is currently in the early stages of development for the large screen.
Suicide Squad
Watch for the upcoming movie release of Suicide Squad starring Jared Leto, Margo Robbie and Will Smith. The Suicide Squad is an antihero strike team of supervillains working as a covert ops unit for the government.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Buffy the Vampire Slayer was a groundbreaking television series. It ran for seven seasons, but Buffy fans wanted more, so series creator Joss Whedon wrote an eighth season as a comic book series. The series has continued, and other Buffy comics round out the Buffy universe.