Move & Groove
Deep Freeze Obstacle Course at Brentwood Elementary

Introducing DPPL's Move & Groove Tuesdays.
Each week look for a new fun way to get moving around Des Plaines.
We'll post them on DPPL's Facebook and Instagram pages and here on the blog.
If it rains, no worries!
We will have a fun indoor activity for you to do, instead!
This week the weather is beautiful!
This week’s theme is all about animals who love the cold.
We headed over to Brentwood Elementary School in Des Plaines.
We created a "Deep Freeze" obstacle course on their blacktop.
Stop by and:
Waddle like a penguin!
Crawl like a bear!
Swim like a whale!
You can race against friends (while socially distancing, of course).
Or time yourself (and see if you can get faster).
Don't forget to take pictures tag them #mydpplsummer on social media.
If you keep track of your time, let us know in the comments!
Thank you Brentwood Elementary for inviting us to decorate your blacktop!