Visit the Carry-Out Service desk located at the North Entrance to pick up holds and utilize many of our standard library services.
A mask is required to enter the building and access the Carry-Out Service Desk.
The lobby, 2nd, 3rd and 4th floors are currently closed for browsing while Illinois remains in tier-3 mitigation.
Holds pick up and other services will be available at the Carry-Out Service Desk located in the North Entrance to the library on Ellinwood St.
You can stillplace holds onlineor by phone. Just wait for your notification that the hold is available as ususal. Once received you can come to the Carry-Out Desk to pick them up. These items will be checked out to you before you arrive.
All loan periods, due dates, and fines all remain active.
The parking garage Book Returns are still open.
Technology appointments including PCs, faxing, and scanning are available by appointment to DPPL cardholders. Please call the Reference desk at 847-376-2841 to make a reservation up to two days in advance.
Remote printing is also available. Please call the Reference Desk at 847-376-2841 to confirm your print job has been sent and to arrange pickup at the carry-out desk.
During regular library hours, staff are available and ready to talk with you live:
All virtual programs, events, classes, storytimes, book discussions and other live online programs will continue as planned and the virtual library remains open, as always, at