Happening at the library

DPPL Honors Our Vets

Saturday November 11 is Veterans Day.  We at DPPL are grateful EVERY day for the men and women who serve our country.

Here is a round up of ways we are honoring our U.S. military veterans this week.

New in DPPL's Books Trending Now Area:  In Honor of Our Veterans

Stop by the special display on the 4th floor and browse a large assorment of books both about and for U.S. military veterans. 

Or browse online and place a hold here.

Books in memory of our veterans.

The Wall That Heals
The Wall That Heals Visits Des Plaines Event
Sunday, November 12 from 1:00pm - 5:00pm
DPPL's Meeting Room A

Hosted by the VFW Post 2992.

Were you unable to experience the moving The Wall That Heals Vietnam Wall memorial when it came to Des Plaines earlier this year?

Here's a chance to experience the sights and sounds, as well as explore Des Plaines's Vietnam experience, once again   

Featuring photos and original videos from the September 28 - October 1 installation and event in Lake Park. Including photography by Les Durov, who served in the U.S. Navy from 1969 until 1974 and other Oakton Community College students, as well as and other memorabilia from the Des Plaines History Center.

Vietnam Vet and Photographer Les Durov.

Vietnam Vet and photographer Les Durov.

The Wall That Heals Event Photo Gallery
On Display Thursday November 9 through Sunday November 11
DPPL's 1st floor Meeting Room Lobby

A display of Oakton Community College art department photos of the traveling exhibit dedicated to Vietnam veterans that visited Des Plaines this fall, hosted by the VFW Post 2992

Les Durov and other Oakton students  took on the project last month as part of his service project as a photography student at Oakton Community College.

"Viewing the wall brought back a lot of my feelings about the conflict," he said. "I have friends whose names are on the wall. It was a nice way to say goodbye to many of the people I served with in Vietnam. While it was sad, it helped bring a feeling of closure."

Read more about Les Durov's Vietnam experience and The Wall that Heals.