eBooks - here and there

A dream came true last fall. All our ebooks from Overdrive MyMediaMall became integrated into our catalog.
Catalog View
Now when you find an ebook title you can download the book right from the catalog page. No jumping to the MyMediaMall ebook page and signing in again and repeating efforts.
Us folks who steward library ebooks, and help patrons use them, have been excited about this new process. The ebook catalog technology is constantly changing, and this has been an overdue, logical improvement to help patrons.
Imagine my surprise when a patron came into the library with her new ipad the other day and said to me, "What happened to your ebook library? I used to love to browse the book covers and make my choices from the carousel of suggestions."
I had not thought of that before, but with the new system, a patron does not have to go any longer and while the ebook lending process may be more efficient it is less of a browsing experience.
The carousel (top image) is alive and well though, and the selection of titles and quantities are getting better all the time. Discover and checkout ebooks and audiobooks.