Kids & Parents

Explore the World Through Stories with BookFLIX

Have you ever wanted access to stories and facts right at your fingertips?

How about games that make learning fun?

With BookFLIX, all of this is possible!

Since summer break has ended and fall is coming up, Back-to-School season is upon us.

So, what better time to be reminded of one of our amazing, fun, educational database, BookFLIX.

In this blog post, I will be answering some FAQ's about BookFLIX, using pictures that will make it easy to follow along

What is it?

Best for children in grades pre-k through 3rd grade, BookFLIX is a database, offered through the DPPL website, that has a variety of virtual stories to choose from. 

To access BookFLIX, click here.

To look through our other wonderful databases for kids, click here

What can I use it for?

Use BookFLIX to play a video of a book being read, with the option to read along as well!

BookFLIX also has E-Books for reading, too! If you're having trouble figuring out what you should read next, BookFLIX has several categories to choose from. 

Games that are fun and educational are included with each story, too!

How does it work?

When you are on the BookFLIX homepage, you will see 9 categories to choose from, as well as a featured pair of books in the top-left corner. 

Click a category! When you click, you will be taken to a page that has many different pairs of books all relating to the chosen category

Click on any pair of books that look interesting to you! After you click on one, you will see the two books: One will say, "Watch the Story". This will be a video of a picture book where its pages are brought to life in a movie. There is an option to read along with the narrator as well.

The second book will say, "Read the Book". This will be a non-fiction E-Book.


On the left side of the ebpage, there is a table with many things to click. After you have read the two books, you can try the games under the "Puzzlers!" section.

The section underneath the games is called "Dive Deeper". You can click on "Explore the Web" to find links to other resources.

You can also click on "Meet the Creators" where you can read about the authors. Some even have a "Learn More" button where it will take you to the author's website!

Are there books in Spanish?

Yes! Several books come in English as well as Spanish.

Book pairs that have the red band that say "ES" are books in Spanish.

To filter through all of the books in Spanish, it is easiest to click on the buton that says "Español" next to the title search.

To "Watch the Story" in Spanish, you will need to click on the button below the video that says "Español"...

In order to "Read the Book" in Spanish, you will need to click the button that says "Español" when you hover the curser over the book...

Can I search by Lexile, grade, or intersecting themes and categories?

Yes! If you click on the small icon that looks like an apple on top of a book (it is the button on the homepage that is to the right of the "Español" button), it will take you to the "Resources and Tools" page. Here, you can use the filters to specify the theme, category, running time of videos, Lexile levels, and grade levels.

Do I need a library card to access BookFLIX?

Yes. Before entering BookFLIX, you will be asked to enter your DPPL card number. If you live in Des Plaines and do not have a library card, please stop by the library to do so!

If you are using a DPPL computer you do not need a library card.   

You can access it through our website from the internet anywhere!