Have you upgraded to Windows 10 yet?

I got the pop-up from Microsoft months and months ago inviting me to upgrade to Windows 10. Given past experiences with upgrades, I have been wary and have put off what Microsoft says is good for me. Then while reading the Personal Tech column in the New York Times, I was reminded that there is a deadline to get the free upgrade - July 29th.
Nothing like a deadline.
Better security, the return of the familiar start button and task bar, and a more seamless duplication of applications between PCs and Windows Mobile devices are some of the major benefits of Windows 10. There are also new features to better compete with Apple and Google - Cortana the digital assistant and the new browser Edge. No solid reason to stay with 8.1, so I proceeded.
I was tempted to just click upgrade but I was determined to make this upgrade go smoothly and not lose any data, or spend a half a day on this. First step was to watch a tutorial from the library's online education system Lynda.
I checked out the Microsoft Windows 10 page too. The reasons to upgrade are emphasized as opposed to the steps for a successful upgrade.
With all the pre-installation work done, I hit the button and the upgrade began.
3 hours later, the upgrade stalled at 95%. I stared at this screen for at least 20 minutes. Just what I was hoping to avoid. Microsoft Windows 10 chat support did answer right away. They didn't help, but they were kind. Actually, they suggested I use a LAN connection and not a wireless one. A tip I seemed to have missed somewhere along the way.
So I tried again, directly connected. 3 hours into the process, the same stall. Frustration had set in. Next, I Googled the problem, and what do you know, others too had the stall at 95%. The answer was to wait it out. Counterintuitive when there is no progress for hours. So I slept on it.
And lo and behold, I woke up to those sweet words.
Welcome to Windows 10.