Tutors, Homework Help, FAFSA Assistance & more from HelpNow

Get extra help with a tough assignment, project or subject you find challenging at HelpNow.
Assistance is offered in both English and Spanish for grades K-!2 and early college years.
Private tutors can be really expensive! At HelpNow you can connect with a live tutor from 2:00 until 11:55 pm, seven days at week for free!
You'll get one-on-one help in Math, English, Social Studies, Science, Writing & Spanish. Just select your grade level to see what subjects are available.
All tutors are experts in their subject areas - ask them as many questions as you want and get the help you need!
Writing help
If you’re writing a paper, you can upload it to the Writing Lab - HelpNow will return it with detailed, helpful comments within 24 hours.
To use this feature, you’ll have to create an account – that’s where your paper will be returned.
Group Study
You can schedule a study session with your friends in MEET – they don’t even have to be HelpNow users to receive an invite.
You can also record videos about homework problems & projects and create flashcards, quizzes and games to share.
Click on this user guide to learn more.
Test Prep & Lessons in Skill Surfer
FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) applications
Filling out the FAFSA application can be complicated and challenging!
HelpNow offers online assistance with filling out the form to both students and parents.
Find it under Featured Service.
For Job Seekers
HelpNow also has an Adult Learning Center that offers help with Microsoft applications, test prep and job searching.
You can also submit your resume and cover letter for review.
A Des Plaines library card is required to use HelpNow.