Kids & Parents
It’s Monarch Award Time - Vote by March 10th

Calling all Kids in Kindergarten through Third Grade.
It’s Monarch Award time and we need your help to pick the winning book!
Every year, the Association of Illinois School Library Educators chooses 20 books to participate in the Monarch Reader’s Choice Awards for kindergarten through third grade.
Kids all over the state get to vote for their favorite book on the list and you can be one of them!
Yes – that's right, all you have to do is read at least 5 of the books, vote, and you can help choose the winner.
Pretty cool, right?
Wait, it gets better.
If you read 10 of the 20 books on the list, you get a FREE copy of the winning book to keep!
Stop by the Youth Services department to pick up a form, check out some of the nominees and make your vote count!
The deadline to vote is March 10th, 2024.