The children were introduced to Inka culture and some Quechua words when Ms. Stephanie and Ms. Becky read the story Run, Little Chaski by Mariana Llanos and Mariana Ruiz Johnson.
Run, Little Chaski
Kindness was the theme for today's book and the kids had the to opportunity to follow the Inka chalk trail as a chaski (a royal messenger during Inka times), rescuing animals along the way just like the main character of the book.
We warmed up for our mission with the song "The Run Stop" by the Funky Monkeys and danced around with bubbles. Using bubbles is a great way for your child to exercise their eyes by tracking the bubbles.
Hopping through rivers and soaring through trees allowed the children to use their whole body and imaginations on the chalk trail. Families received an activity bag with Cheerios, pipe cleaners, and string to make their own khipu (a recording system made of ropes and hanging knotted threads) allowing them to practice counting and fine motor skills.
The Inka Trail
Be sure to check out a new course on Thursday, July 21st, at Bluett Park at 2:30 p.m.!
If you'd like to learn more about the Inka society, check out these books: