Happening at the library
4 Ways to Get the Hottest New Video Games at DPPL
Video games have risen to national prominence in our culture, with AAA video game budgets exceeding Hollywood blockbuster films. As video games have gained wide popularity, they have also attracted strong demand here at DPPL. We’re happy and eager to meet this growing demand with a greater number and selection of games.
Here are some tips for finding - and getting - what you want, fast:
- I recommend placing new or upcoming games on hold, just like you can with any upcoming book or movie. Holds ensure you’ll get your turn with the newest games as quickly as possible.
- Feel free to browse. The adult selection of video games has moved front and center to the shelf nearest the stairs on the 3rd floor.
- If you’re looking for a specific title, don’t hesitate to ask a librarian or use the available computers to place a hold on anything you don’t see.
- A list of all the games for a particular platform can be found in the DPPL search simply by typing the name of the platform in the search box, such as “Playstation 4”. As always, games on the 1st floor are considered “Quick Picks,” and won’t be available for holds.
If you’re ready to start checking out video games from DPPL, here’s a list of recently ordered games that will be hitting our shelves soon. Place those holds now!
A creepy action game in the style of Demon Souls and Dark Souls
Dragonball Xenoverse XV
Create your character and fight in the most memorable encounters from the DragonballZ saga
Battlefield Hardline
Represent the law in this modern look at the timeless Battlefield franchise.
The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask 3D
The classic Nintendo 64 game has comeback with a visual overhaul for the 3DS.