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September is Library Card Sign-Up Month

Library Card Sign-Up Month at DPPL!
Woody, Buzz Lightyear, Bo Peep and friends are on an adventure to promote the value of a library card.
Signing up for a library card opens a world of infinite possibilities.
Libraries offer resources and services that help people pursue their passions and give students the tools to succeed in school and beyond.
Do YOU have a card? If not, sign up today.
Every patron who signs up for a new card this month gets some pretty great swag, including a tote bag, coupons AND an entry into a weekly drawing.
Already have a library card?
We've go goodies for you too!
Enter the weekly drawing for a $20 gift card to Amazing Breads and Cakes.
Enter two ways: Register for a new library card OR fill out a ballot at the 1st floor desk.
At the end of the month we will draw a grand prize of a $50 Amazing Breads and Cakes gift card.
Snap a picture with your library card, post it to Instagram or Twitter with the hashtags #GetLibraryCarded and #DPPL and you could win $100 Visa Gift Card.
Entries can also be submitted by posting as a comment or wall post on the I Love Libraries Facebook page.
(Don't forget to cover up any personally identifiable information!)
The #GetLibraryCarded promotion begins Sunday, September 1 at noon CT and ends Sunday, September 22 at noon CT.
The #GetLibraryCarded Promotion is open to residents of the United States, Washington, D.C., and U.S. Territories. Employees of the American Library Association are not eligible to participate. Official rules (PDF)