Staff Picks
What’s Your Sign?

I recently read an article from the Atlantic titled The New Age of Astrology. It asked the question:
“Why are Millennials so into astrology?”
I am a Millennial, but I never thought that I was “so into” astrology.
After thinking about it though, I realized I TOTALLY am.
But in a more secretive conversation I might let it slip that after every relationship I get into, I check to see how compatible we are based on our astrological signs.
Or if a day is particularly hectic or strange, I might blame it on Mercury being in retrograde.
FYI, Mercury will be in retrograde from March 5-28 so watch out.
In the past there was a stigma attached to astrology and while some of that still lingers, astrology is making a comeback due to online culture.
If you’re like me, Millennial or not, you might be interested in checking out some of these titles.
The secret language of birthdays: personology profiles for each day of the year
A childhood friend of mine owned this book when we were younger and we used to spend hours reading all about ourselves or our friends based on our birthdays. This hefty book, a total of 832 pages, goes into immense detail over the characteristics and quirks of personality associated with being born on a particular day of the year. The personality traits in this book are based on a combination of astrology, numerology, tarot, and Gary Goldschneider's many years of observation of more than 14,000 people, including contemporary and historical figures.
Six of my closest friends are Scorpios who were all born within the same week, two of them born on the same day. I know it's just a coincidence... but is it really?
The secret language of relationships: your complete personology guide to any relationship with anyone
This book is similar to The Secret of Birthdays in that it builds on the unique personology profiles of The Secret Language of Birthdays to predict the nature of romance, marriage, friendship, business, or family relationships. It goes over every possible relationship you can imagine in its 819 pages. I was lucky enough to snag this from the Friends of the Library Book Sale. My roommates and I will break it out when we have people over at our apartment to look up their current relationship or our relationship to them. After one of these particular nights, my roommate turned towards me and said that he hated that he kind of believed in this stuff.
The Only Astrology Book You’ll Ever Need
This book is based on the fundamental concept of the Human Design. If you're someone who wants to discover your personalized astrology chart and its meaning, this is the book for you. The author, Joanna Martine Woolfolk, was the horoscope columnist for Marie Claire and Redbook magazine which gives her a little bit more credibility in my eyes, having grown up reading those columns when I was a kid. Check it out and let me know what you think at a discretionary time of your choosing! We can compare our charts.