The Canvas
Winter 2025 Update

The Canvas - DPPL's magical new creative studio and makerspace - is opening soon!
Phase One of construction is complete and Phase Two - equipment and furniture set up, testing, and programming - is now underway.
The Canvas doors will open to the public in March for limited use, and will be fully operational later this Spring.
A makerspace was the most requested new service in a 2022 survey of residents and library users, conducted during the development of the library’s 2023-2025 Strategic Plan.
The Canvas space includes studio and instructional space, a digital media lab, and additional study rooms.
The Canvas, featured in the Journal & Topics, February 12, 2025.
In The Canvas, library cardholders will be able to reserve and use a wide variety of sewing and quilting machines, printers, Cricut machines, laser cutters, heat presses, and other hobby and creative arts equipment.
Library staff will be on hand to provide assistance.
A full schedule of classes, workshops, and drop-in sessions will be offered in the space for all ages.
See how far we have come:
The Canvas View from the Elevators looking North, January 2025.
The Canvas Phase 2, looking east, with staff planning the installation of equipment and computers.
The Canvas Phase 2, looking west, prior to the installation of furniture, equipment and computers.
The Canvas enjoys abundant natural light and a spectacular view of Des Plaines looking northwest.
DPPL Head of Adult Services Joanie Sebastian (left) and The Canvas Creative Space Coordinator Sarah Szeszol discussing plans for the Media Lab, January 2025.
Check out past photos of the space during Phase One, architect renderings, and learn more about the project here.
This project is funded by a restricted private donation in memory of long-time and much beloved reference librarian Steven Giese, who passed away in the spring of 2022.
Equipment for The Canvas will be funded through a $64,000 donation from The Rivers Casino/River Gives.