Staff Picks
10 Non-Fiction Picks for Someone Who’s Into a Little Bit of Everything

I'm not gonna lie.
Something ALWAYS catches my eye when I stop by the Quick Picks display in the DPPL lobby.
Have you ever browsed Quick Picks?
Think of them as a small collection of the best of our best.
And truly, there's a little bit of something for everyone!
Or a lot of things for someone who is into a little bit of everything, like me.
Books on the Quick Pick shelves are non-reservable, non-renewable and have a 7-day loan period.
Which of course poses a dilemma.
So many FANTASTIC books. (OK ten). Only seven days to read them.
The good news, of course, is that most often additional copies of Quick Picks titles can be found on the 3rd and 4th floors, in DPPL's general collection and in the catalog.
And those copies ARE holdable and subject to regular loan periods and automatic renewals.
Without further ado.
Here are ten totally intriguing new non-fiction books for someone who is into a little bit of everything, like me.
Rhett & Link's Book of Mythicality: A Field Guide to Curiosity, Creativity, & Tomfoolery
Rhett McLaughlin & Link Neal with Jake Greene
What Caught My Eye
Tomfoolery? "Field Guide to Curiosity"? Hipsters in giant bowls of cereal? From the creators of "Good Mythical Morning"? Sure!
what i've gleaned from a quick browse
I'm probably not their key demographic. HOWEVER. There are chapters on building a time capsule, making a bold hair choice, becoming a superfan and throwing a party that doesn't suck. Plus "Speak at Your Own Funeral".
Sold! Checking this one out. It's got stuff I need to know.
The Lazy Girl's Guide to Life: 100+ Ways to Hack Your Look, Love, Work By Doing (Almost) Nothing!
Jennifer Byrne
What Caught My Eye
I'm always looking for a good shortcut. And who says "lazy" is bad? In my book, done beats perfect any day! Also, the Lazy Girl needs to hook up with Rhett & Link.
what i've gleaned from a quick browse
Whoa, there are 77 "lazy" hacks in this book, making it more overachiever than lazy. Problems solved include: You Haven't Shaved Your Legs but Want to Rock a Dress, You're Reunion is Coming Up but Your Life Sucks, You Have a Sordid Past and your New Guy is Mr. Perfect, You're Bored out of Your Mind on a Family Vacation, and You Don't Feel Like Working but Have to Seem Busy.
Immensely helpful. I might have to actually buy this one. Plus: Tips on FAKING CLEAN LAUNDRY!
Wittypedia: More Than 5,000 Quotations!
Des MacHale
What Caught My Eye
"5,000 brilliant quotations certain to brighten your day." And Pinterest is not ALWAYS readily at hand.
what i've gleaned from a quick browse
"I don't make jokes. I just observe the government and report the facts"
- Will Rogers
With a whole section on politics, it could come in handy.
101 Horror Movies You Must See Before You Die
Steven Jay Schneider
What Caught My Eye
I'm a huge horror fan, always searching for something I've missed.
what i've gleaned from a quick browse
"Horror can be traced back to the origins of art. Cave paintings, depicting terrifying creatures wreaking havoc on humans find their contemporary medium in the monster movies playing in theaters worldwide."
Also: "Freddy (Kreuger) can be seen as a kind of Gothic anti-hero, a vicious killer who, because of his charm, sense of humor and flair for the dramatic, still manages to generate sympathy from viewers". Umm, not so much!
I'm pinning things onto my TV & Films To Do Pinterest Board as we speak. I need to note that the font size and color is horrifically tiny, light and hard to read. You're going to need your readers if you're over 40.
Forgotten Tales of Illinois
Bryan Alaspa
What Caught My Eye
I'm a sucker of local history. Especially the arcane, "lost" or ghoulish kind.
What I've gleaned from a quick browse
Illinois has had more that its fair share of real-life horror, monsters and villains. Cool!
This is a short one. Reading tonight!
Red, White and Who: The Story of Doctor Who in America
Steven Warren Hill & Jennifer Adams Kelley, Nicholas Seidler, and Robert Warnock; with Janine Fennick and John Lavalie
What Caught My Eye
I've never been a "Whovian", but news that Jodie Whittaker has been cast as the latest (and first female) Dr. Who, has piqued my interest. Also, DPPL's very own metalibrarian John Lavalie is a contributor to this giant tome.
What I've gleaned from a quick browse
If you love Dr. Who, you will love this book, "a warm, dryly caustic in places, look at the way the show was viewed, received, influenced by and ultimately loved by the American audience".
A can't miss for fans, and those new to Who, gearing up for the next series.
DIY Handlettering: 25 Handcrafted, Handlettered Projects You Can Make!
Melissa Averinos and Asharae Kroll
What Caught My Eye
My 8th grader recently told me "beautiful penmanship" is on her goals list. What??? Apparently it has something to do with creating things to post on Instagram and bullet journals.
What I've gleaned from a quick browse
Hey, whatever it takes. I may join in, seems like a handy skill. And who doesn't want pretty grocery lists.
Going home tonight.
Volunteer: A Traveller's Guide to Making a Difference Around the World
Vic Footscray and Lonely Planet Publications
What Caught My Eye
"Opportunities in six continents and 189 countries". Travel + volunteering = win!
What I've gleaned from a quick browse
There's more to volunteering than planning casino nights and rustling up silent auction items. And there's more to travel that sightseeing and shopping. 100 seasoned volunteers share their experiences and top tips, from choosing your volunteer experience to pesky - but critical - practicalities
Yes, please.
Bad Girls Throughout History: 100 Remarkable Women Who Changed the World
Ann Shen
What Caught My Eye
A great cover! And the dedication "For girls of all ages who dare to be bad, and for the people who stand behind us when we are".
What I've gleaned from a quick browse
These bad girls declared #TimesUp a long time ago! From Lillith to Malala Yousafzai, there are many different flavors of "bad".
Another I may need to ultimately add to my personal collection as I'm raising two little "bad girls" of my own.
The Magnolia Story
Chip & Joanna Gaines
What Caught My Eye
Chip and Joanna! Pretty much the only two people I can handle on TV these days.
What I've gleaned from a quick browse
Gosh they are nice. And funny and kind and good parents and great designers and.....shiplap!
If loving them is wrong, I don't wanna be right.