Because There’s NOTHING Trivial about Trivia

I have a vivid memory of accompanying my mom to the library sometime in the mid '70s. She was on a mission to definitively resolve (OK win) an argument that had been simmering between my dad and her for days.
My dad insisted 1954, my mom 1956. The debate was heated.
I was about eight years old and this was before Google and other online resources that today deliver answers to these kind of questions on the spot.
Just now - in 2015 - it took me all of two minutes to find and go to the Blue Suede Shoes Wikepedia Page and learn all I needed to know about the song (and more).
DISCLAIMER: Wikipedia should NOT be used for true research. They can say ANYTHING on there. For verified, reliable information, turn to librarians and vetted database resources. Please. But.... wikis works in a pinch to solve silly arguments on-the-go.
But back then, my mom needed a reference librarian to guide us to the answer with the use of the card catalog and reference materials.
Thank goodness she got the answer. I was just about over hearing about that song. And it turns out - they were BOTH wrong.
Trivia Night at the Library, Friday October 9, 2015
Crisis averted, argument ended. Thank you reference librarian for bringing peace back to family-land!
I vaguely remember my mom feeling silly for asking the kind person at the reference desk for help with a "trivial" matter.
But today, having worked in a library for many years now, I know there was no need to feel silly.
Librarians LOVE trivia. Librarians COLLECT information. We LIVE for this stuff. It's WHAT we DO. Call it "reference" or call it "trivia" - none of it is trivial to us.
So it should come as no surprise that we regularly plan Trivia Nights at the Library. The next one is Friday, October 9 from 7 - 9 pm.
Test your knowledge of things you should have learned in school while socializing with new or old friends. Bring your own team members or let us put you on a team. Oh, and there will be "adult" refreshments and some really great prizes. And it's free.
Want to get a little "practice" time in before the big event? Or want to embark on your own private "trivial pursuit"?
At DPPL, you'll find a huge amount of trivia-related books and other materials packed with info about just about everything under the sun.
Here are some of our favorites:
Cubsology Trivia Challenge: Chicago Cubs Baseball
Paul F. Wilson & Tom P. Rippey III, editors
The Illustrated Stephen King Trivia Book
edited by Brian Freeman and Bev Vincent
This Book is Top Secret: A Collection of Awesome Military Trivia
Cheryl Blackford
The Smithsonian Book of Presidential Trivia
Amy Pastan
This Book Might Make you Gag: A Collection of Crazy, Gross Trivia
Connie Colwell Miller