Wednesday Crafternoons
It’s Wednesday. Let’s Call It A Wrap!

Calling All Crafternooners!
Welcome to our wrap party.
Today marks the one year anniversary of Wednesday Crafternoon going virtual.
We would say time flies....
But let's be real.
The past year has been rough.
And felt ridiculously long.
So give yourselves a treat for just making it this far.
Do it.
Eat some chocolate or do something relaxing or fun.
Truth be told, Youth Services is all about high energy.
Which also makes us experts on knowing ways to release that energy.
Crafts, music, and movement to name a few.
What if we combined the three?
Get ready to make a stomp 'n pop painting.
Grab some tempera paint and brushes, easel paper, and sheets of bubble wrap.
Paper plates, tape, and scissors will also come in handy.
Now, it's time to get silly. 🤪

Step 1
Get organized
First, throw on some music.
Second, pour paint colors onto paper plates.
Then, lay down several sheets of easel paper on the floor.
The bigger the canvas, the better the fun.

Step 2
Mummify your feet
Sit at the edge of the canvas.
Bubble wrap the bottom of each foot.
Wrap it further around your ankle.
Pretend they're rollerblades and strap shut with tape.

Step 3
Paint the bubble wrap
Pick any two colors.
Paint each color onto the soles of your feet.
Try to only brush the tops of the bubbles for a better bubble print.

Step 4
Stomp 'n Pop
Carefully stand up on your canvas.
It may help to have a partner pull you up.
Now...STOMP around and POP those bubbles!
Cover as much of the paper as you can.

Step 5
Mix It Up!
Repeat steps 2-4 using your hands instead.
Got a partner helping you with the bubble wrap?
Use both hands then!
And SLAP them down on the paper.

Not the most visually "artistic" but did we have fun?
You bet we did. 😎
Remember to snap a couple of photos, tag them #DPCrafternoons and share with us on Facebook and Instagram.
Here are some more ways to make the most out of bubble wrap.
And now on to other announcements.
Wednesday Crafternoon is going on vacation.
So be on the lookout for exciting, new summer programs in the meantime.
Lots of virtual fun headed your way.
And if you need entertainment now, look no further.
Check out our character book parties.
Watch Miss Steph and Cheryl bring down the house.
Fans of Pete the Cat, Elephant and Piggie, Mother Bruce and The Bad Seed will be thoroughly entertained.
You need more?!! What?! Oh, the demand is real. 😵
Look back at our virtual storytime videos and blogs of Crafternoons past.
We leave you with some lyrics from Disney's Cinderella that perfectly sums up the creativity behind Wednesday Crafternoons.
♫ Salagadoola menchicka boola
Put 'em together and what have you got?
Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo ♫