DPPL On Demand
Learn To Do Almost Anything At LinkedIn Learning

Lynda.com is now LinkedIn Learning
Along with the content from Lynda.com, online tutorials on learning technology and lots of other subjects, you will now have access to thousands of additional courses, available in several languages in LinkedIn Learning.

Here are just a few of the subjects offered that you may want to explore:
New technology
There are courses on web development, Microsoft Office products, animation and game design - to name just a few.
Video and photography
Available courses cover lighting, Photoshop, processing and equipment, iMovie and FinalCutPro.
Courses on business include leadership, marketing, communication and career development. A "Certification of Completion" that you can show current or prospective employers is available for most courses.
Available classes cover topics from drawing to designing rugs to new techniques for acrylic painting! All courses are taught by experts in their fields and are sorted by skill level to help you find just the right one.
With LinkedIn Learning, you'll be able to learn at your own pace on your computer, tablet or smartphone. If you don't want to take a whole course, enter some search terms to find a piece of information on a particular topic.
For example, I just looked up "changing margins in Word" and got a short video segment that taught me exactly what I needed to know.
Try it for work or for fun and let us know what you think!
Lynda.com was upgraded to LinkedIn Learning on April 29, 2021. You will now log onto LinkedIn Learning using your library card number and PIN/password linked to your lbrary card account. All of your Lynda.com data should have transferred to LinkedIn Learning, including your course history and certificates of completion. No LinkedIn account is necessary to access LinkedIn Learning. Please call the Reference Desk: 847-376-2841 or email: referenceservicesdesk@dppl.org with questions.