Voting for the Judges on Your Ballot

US Supreme Court 1925
You could just close your eyes and throw a dart, or try to divine the ethicity or gender of the judge's name and vote by those assumptions.
Neither, method was satifactory. One puts it in the hands of fate and the other encourages your biases.
Today, I have a more logical two step method.
- My first step is to get a copy of my ballot from the Cook County Clerk's Suburban elections page. The link to Voter Information will provide a search box for your address and from there you can print out your ballot.
- The second step is to go to The ratings of the Alliance of Bar Associations for Judicial Screening (11 bar associations) are presented in an easy to read chart. In a separate link, the ratings of the Chicago Bar Association is presented. From here I mark my ballot with my notations, yay or nay, and take it to the ballot box with me on Election Day. Please note, not all the judges on the evaluation charts will be on your ballot.
Happy voting.