Happening at the library
Want to be a Girl Who Codes

We start with sisterhood, fun and teamwork, then work together to learn the core four computing concepts. Loops, functions, conditionals and variables will become part of your life. Mix it all together and you'll be a part of a project that will educate and benefit the community.
This is the paradigm set out by the national nonprofit Girls Who Code. The mission is to close the gender gap in the computer sciences. Register for the free 2018 - 2019 club HERE. Space is limited.
Our first club was in the winter of 2017. The girls' project informed about food waste. Our second club's project was mental health awareness.
Along the way, we all learned, made mistakes, modified and carried on -- together.
We added snacks to club time and spent time learning the concepts of the core four in an unplugged way as well as through coding. This year, we'll start out with our sure bet activities, we'll use guidance from the nonprofit Girls Who Code and ...
we'll develop our club together.
An optional information session will take place on Thursday, August 2 at 5:00pm on the 4th floor in the Forum. Registration for this informational session is requested but not required. Call or email cfriedman@dppl.org with your questions.