What’s Giving Tuesday??

Black Friday, Cyber Monday . . . Giving Tuesday!
What’s #GivingTuesday?
It’s a campaign held on the first Tuesday after Thanksgiving Day and at the start of the holiday shopping season. It is a day for giving back to the community.
Primarily driven by social media and online donations the campaign also encourages giving back by volunteering and giving in kind.
This year on December 1, 2015 two local area charities are participating in the campaign.
Visit Maryville Academy’s campaign page to donate or to use their social media links to lend support.
The Center of Concern’s campaign is centered on their “Adopt a Senior” program (purchase Poinsettias for delivery to seniors) or you can donate on Dec. 1st and the Retirement Research Foundation will match your donation.
Giving Tuesday reminds me that I want to be more intentional about my charitable donations. I have my favorite charities that I give to when circumstances arise to remind me. But, I have decided to be more proactive than reactive, by donating to a worthy organization once month. (Don’t ask me how successful I am.)
Once I started to think about it as a monthly task I became more thoughtful about what organizations I want to give to.
The article also includes charity watchdog groups like Charity Navigator that help you make decisions about your charitable donations.
I hope Giving Tuesday inspires you to think about giving back throughout the year.