The Commons
The Commons is reserved specifically for teens in grades 7-12. Drop by any time you want to study, collaborate on school projects, relax, read, or hang out with your friends.
If you’re feeling too grown-up for the children’s floor but not quite ready to be an adult, The Commons on the third floor of the library is the place to be. It’s your little piece of land where you’ll find collaborative study tables, art and craft supplies, video games and game systems, magazines, and local high school summer reading collections.
We are open 12:00-9:00 on weekdays and all day on weekends.
Study hours
Study hours (quiet study, working with a friend, or collaborating on a group project) are Monday -Thursday from 5:00-7:00. The exception to this rule is when the room is being used for a library program. There will be no gaming during these hours.