DPPL On Demand

Learn More About Gale LegalForms Library

If you need any kind of legal documentation, Gale Legal Forms is your one-stop shop. 

This database has official forms for Illinois and all 50 states, professionally prepared by attorneys for particular legal matters, and form templates you can use from participating companies and attorneys.

You can download the ones you need for free and fill them in according to your circumstances.

Some examples include:

  • landlord-tenant agreements
  • divorce
  • adoption
  • leases
  • wills
  • power of attorney
  • name changes,
  • all kinds of agreements
  • hold harmless forms and waivers
  • sample letters and more.

Their newest feature will tell you which legal documents can be completed online. 

While this is legal information, not legal advice, they do have an attorney directory that you can use to connect with lawyers for more assistance.

Under “Resources,” click “Consumer Information and Legal Forms

You can browse many of the listed resources which include legal forms pertaining to their subject or scroll down to Legal Forms Library for the most extensive source for legal forms.